Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Course Lists:

These are our most popular training classes.

Customized class work, group rates and individual training classes are available in many cases.

Please contact us for further info and availability.

Name: More info: Length: Tuition:
NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course - Instructor Lead Training
Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and operating a pistol safely.
Details: This course is at least 8-hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; pistol parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest position, and two handed standing positions; cleaning the pistol; and continued opportunities for skill development.

 8 Hr.


Citizen course $100

Additional 8 Hr. Instructor course $100

NRA Basic Rifle Shooting Course Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for the safe use of a rifle in target shooting.
Details: This course is at least 14 hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot rifles. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; rifle parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting from the bench rest, prone, sitting, standing and kneeling positions; cleaning, and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the Basics of Rifle Shooting handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, take a Basics of Rifle Shooting Student Examination, and receive a course completion certificate.

 14 Hr.


Citizen course $150

Additional 10 Hr. Instructor course $125

NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting Course Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for the safe and proper use of a shotgun in shooting a moving target.
Details: This course is at least ten-hours long and includes classroom and range time learning how to shoot shotguns at moving targets. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; shotgun parts and operation; shotgun shell components; shotgun shell malfunctions; shooting fundamentals; range rules; shooting at straight away and angled targets; cleaning; and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the Basics of Shotgun Shooting handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, take a Basics of Shotgun Shooting Student Examination, and receive a course completion certificate.
 10 Hours

Citizen course $75

 Additional 10 Hr. Instructor course $100

NRA Home Firearm Safety Course Non-shooting course and teaches students the basic knowledge, skills, and to explain the attitude necessary for the safe handling and storage of firearms and ammunition in the home.
Details: This is a four-hour course for safe gun handling that is conducted in the classroom only. Students are taught NRA’s three rules for safe gun handling; primary causes of firearms accidents; firearm parts; how to unload certain action types; ammunition components; cleaning; care; safe storage of firearms in the home; and the benefits of becoming an active participant in the shooting sports. Students will receive the NRA Home Firearm Safety handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, Basic Firearm Training Program brochure, course completion certificate.

Citizen course $40

Additional 4 Hr. Instructor course $40

NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course Teaches the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family, and to provide information on the law-abiding individual’s right to self-defense.
Details: This is an eight-hour course. Students should expect to shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition. Students will learn basic defensive shooting skills, strategies for home safety and responding to a violent confrontation, firearms and the law, how to choose a handgun for self-defense, and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection In The Home handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, and course completion certificate.
 8 Hr.

Citizen course $125

Additional 10 Hr. Instructor course $125

NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home Course Teaches students the knowledge, skills and attitude essential for avoiding dangerous confrontations and for the safe, effective and responsible use of a concealed pistol for self-defense outside the home.
Details: Prerequisite: This course is for adult individuals who are not disqualified from possessing a firearm as defined by applicable federal, state, or local law and are of good repute and possess defensive pistol skills presented in the NRA Basics of Personal Protection In The Home Course. Participants must also understand the basic legal concepts relating to the use of firearms in self-defense, and must know and observe not only general gun safety rules, but also those safety principles that are specific to defensive situations. Prospective participants can demonstrate that they have the requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes by producing an NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home Course Certificate, or by passing the pre-course evaluation. Description: The course is divided into two levels. Level one is nine-hours and offers the essential knowledge and skills that must be mastered in order to carry, store, and use a firearm safely and effectively for personal protection outside the home. Students spend several hours on the range and shoot approximately 100 rounds of ammunition during level one. Upon completion, students may choose to attend level two, which is an additional five hours on the range and approximately 115 rounds of ammunition learning advanced shooting skills. Time and ammunition requirements are minimum, and may be exceeded. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure and appropriate (level one/level two) course completion certificates(s)
 14 Hr.

Citizen course $150

Additional 10 Hr. Instructor course $150

NRA Basic Range Safety Officer Course Develops NRA Certified Range Safety Officers with the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, conducting, and supervising safe shooting activities and range operations.
Details: This course is nine hours long and is conducted in a classroom and at a shooting facility. Range Safety Officer candidates will learn roles and responsibilities of an RSO; Range Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); range inspection; range rules; range briefings; emergency procedures; and firearm stoppages and malfunctions. Each Range Safety Officer Candidate will receive an RSO Student Study Guide, a Basic Firearm Training Program brochure, an NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure and a Course Evaluation form.
 1 Day
Citizen Course $75
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer This 14-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to training and supervising NRA range safety officers and developing range standard operating procedures.|
Details: Prerequisite: Must be an NRA Certified Range Safety Officer. Course is presented in two parts: Basic Instructor Training and NRA Chief Range Safety Officer training. Sessions include standard operating procedures, inspections, emergency procedures, firearm stoppages and malfunctions, safety briefings. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises and complete an open book exam. Students will receive NRA Basic Range Safety Officer lesson plans, basic student packet and basic course presentation CD.
 2-3 Days
Citizen course $100
NRA Refuse To Be A Victim® Seminars Teaches strategies people can integrate into their everyday lives to avoid becoming a victim of crime.
Details: A complete seminar may last as long as four or five hours and include the entire lesson plan, but a modified seminar may be as short as one or two hours and cover topics that best suit the needs of a particular audience. This is not a firearms instruction course, and does not include instruction in physical combat self-defense. Seminars teach common weaknesses that criminals may take advantage of, and a variety of corrective measures that are practical, inexpensive and easy to follow. The seminar includes classroom instruction on criminal psychology, automobile crimes; cyber safety, home security, and a variety of crime prevention strategies including carjack avoidance techniques, use of personal safety devices, and more. Students receive the Refuse To Be A Victim® student handbook, NRA Refuse To Be A Victim® brochure, NRA Become A Refuse To Be A Victim® Instructor Brochure, Refuse To Be A Victim® Firearms Supplement, and a course completion certificate.
  4 Hr. Citizen course $20
BP 1 - Basic Pistol This is an excellent way to learn safe gun handling, range safety commands, proper loading and unloading, firearm fundamentals, clearing jams or malfunctions and cleaning your pistol. This is a 4hr. live fire course for the beginner. You must have a valid NYS pistol license. Please bring your handgun (.22 preferred), ear and eye protection, a baseball style hat and 100 rounds of ammunition. Live fire exercises are done outside so please dress for the weather. Any questions please feel free to contact us.


  4 Hr. Citizen course $50
$25 Deposit Required 
PDP 1 - Personal Defense Pistol 1 This course is designed for the person who already has a CCW license and wants to become safer, more proficient and hone their skills through further, advanced training. Topics covered in this course are: Firearm safety, legalities and justification in self defense (Article 35), Verbal Commands, correct way to draw a handgun, trigger control, malfunctions and stoppages, tactical vs combat reloading and much more!

Requirements: a valid NYS pistol license, a self defense handgun (9mm or larger), at least 2 extra magazines or speed loaders with holders, 200 rounds of practice ammunition, ear and eye protection, a baseball style hat. Dress appropriately for the weather the day of class. Bring a lunch and 'quiet' snacks. Contact us for more info.

  8 Hr. Citizen course $150
$50 Deposit Required
PDP 2 - Personal Defense Pistol 2 This intermediate-advanced level course is designed to provide more advanced skills to someone who has completed Personal Defense PDP-1 or equivalent. You will learn how to move and shoot safely and effectively. Topics covered in this course are: Review of Article 35, target threat assessment, multiple aggressors, tactical movement, gun handling skills, pie'ing and use of cover, point blank engagement, engaging two targets, shooting while kneeling, standing,in a squat, while in a prone position and more.

Requirements: a valid NYS pistol license, a self defense handgun (9mm or larger), at least 2 extra magazines or speed loaders with holders, 300 rounds of practice ammunition, ear and eye protection, a baseball style hat. Dress appropriately for the weather the day of class. Bring a lunch and 'quiet' snacks.

Contact us for more info.

  8.5 Hr. Citizen course $155
$50 Deposit Required
PDP 3 - Personal Defense Pistol 3 This highly advanced course is designed for the person who has successfully completed PDP-1 and PDP-2 or equivalent. You will have confidence in dealing with everyday situations that present a challenge to your safety and security.  This course will take your firearms safety and handling as close to preparing you for any threat as possible! Topics covered in this course are: Review of Article 35, one handed shooting - both strong and weak hands used, Close quarter engagements, proper "hip shooting" technique, presenting the handgun while moving backwards, turning 90 degrees to left, turning 90 degrees to the right, turning 180 degrees to the left and turning 180 degrees to the right, roll-out exercises to the left and right, engagement at 10-15 yards and more.

You will need: A valid NYS pistol license, a self defense handgun (9mm or larger), at least 2 extra magazines or speed loaders with holders,ear and eye protection, a baseball style hat, a strong side holster, 350 rounds ammo, lunch and a quite snack. Dress for the weather. Any questions please feel free to contact me.

Contact us for more info.

  9 Hr. Citizen course $160
$60 Deposit Required

Unrestricted Carry Permit


The course reviews proper use and handling of a handgun as well as the legal aspects of carrying and use of force. This includes firearm safety, Article 35 legal issues and use of force as it applies to self defense, how to de-escalate and disengage from an encounter, correct way to draw a handgun, verbal commands, recovering from malfunctions and stoppages, tactical vs. combat reloading, trigger control and more.  You will need a self defense gun (anything larger than a 22 caliber), 1-2 extra magazines, 200 rounds of ammunition, a holster (no finger lock holsters allowed), ear protection, hat, eye protection, appropriate clothing for outdoor range work, lunch and quiet snacks.

8 Hr. Citizen course $160
Basic Instructor Training Instructor courses are designed to train experienced shooters to teach basic NRA Firearms Training Courses as NRA Certified Instructors. After you take this class you may take Basic Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun and Home Firearm Safety Instructor courses. Certain other Instructor courses may have prerequisites, Contact us for more info.
  6 Hr. Citizen course $100

 Please see the class schedule or contact us for the most current class dates and locations.

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